기초과학연구소 초청세미나 (Salk Institute for Biological Studies, 최지원박사)
세미나 장소 : j311
세미나 일시 : 2011.12.02. (14:00)
세미나 발표자 : Systems Neurobiology Laboratories Edward Callaway Lab,
세미나 일시 : 2011.12.02. (14:00)
세미나 발표자 : Systems Neurobiology Laboratories Edward Callaway Lab,
Salk Institute for Biological Studies, 최지원박사
Application of Neurotropic Viruses on Brain Circuitry Studies
We have developed a novel method to target viral vector transduction to specific neuron types in the intact brain. We used “bridge protein”, composed of the ErbB4 ligand, neuregulin (NRG1), fused to the avian viral receptor TVB (TVB-NRG1), along with EnvB pseudotyped rabies virus (RV), to selectively infect ErbB4 expressing neurons. The RV had its glycoprotein gene deleted and replaced with mCherry, so that infected cells express mCherry and the virus cannot spread without provision of rabies glycoprotein (RG) by transcomplementation. The EnvB pseudotyped lentivirus encoded and expressed RG to allow transcomplementation in co-infected neurons, so that the RV could spread transynaptically and label their direct monosynaptic inputs. The RV could not spread beyond the direct inputs, due to the lack of RG in presynaptic cells. This method revealed long-range connections from thalamus, nucleus basalis, Raphe, distant cortical areas, and contralateral primary somatosensory cortex (S1). In addition, local connections from ipsilateral pyramidal neurons within S1 were labeled. These input sources account for all of the known inputs to S1 described with standard tracers, suggesting that the subpopulation of ErbB4 positive inhibitory neurons infected using the TVB-NRG1 bridge protein receives inputs indiscriminately from S1 input sources.