2021 생명과학과 Symposium
Sogang Life Science Symposium
with a focus on Plant Biology
Cell and Tissue | ||
LS1-1 What PI3P can do for endosomal and autophagic pathways |
Taijoon Chung |
Pusan National University |
LS1-2 Molecular mechanisms of establishment of separation layer for organ abscission |
Yuree Lee |
Seoul National University |
LS1-3 Coordinated epigenetic reprogramming during plant regeneration |
Pil Joon Seo |
Seoul National University |
LS1-4 Regulation of shoot apical meristem in maize |
Byoung Il Je |
Pusan National University |
Development and Diversity | ||
LS2-1 Molecular and genetic basis of life‐strategy divergence in plants |
Youbong Hyun |
Seoul National University |
LS2-2 Natural variation in the plant immune system and its contribution to hybrid performances* |
Eunyoung Chae |
National University of Singapore |
LS2-3 Natural history meets molecular ecology |
Sang-Gyu Kim |
Technology | ||
LS3-1 CRISPR-mediated base editing in plant research |
Sang-Tae Kim |
Catholic University of Korea |
*Talk in English
Feb. 8 – 28, 2021
주최: 서강대학교 생명과학과
지원: 서강대학교 기초과학연구소
서강대학교 생명과학과 BK21FOUR SRBC
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강연 영상 및 자세한 안내는 사이버캠퍼스의 <생명과학 세미나>에 있습니다.
The Seminar Clips and the Abstract Book are at “생명과학 세미나 (B2020LISS-01)” under “Special” of “Teaching Course” at Sogang CyberCampus (cyber.sogang.ac.kr).